Monday, 13 September 2010

Poster research

I have struggled to find pictures and posters that advertise soaps, so I am going to do my best to describe what I believe a poster advertising a soap should show.

By looking at many magazines and pictures from soaps, I can see that a poster for advertising a soap will need to have a picture of the characters or setting with a headline or word describing or suggesting what they are doing or what will happen. For example, a poster could have a picture of the characters or a freeze frame of something happening in the actual programme. By this I mean that it could be a picture of one character and a headline that fits with his life/story; such as, "Who's Dan's real father?" but this type of poster would be more to advertise an episode, whereas to advertise a new soap alltogether like I am doing; I think that the poster needs to have a picture or background of the setting or an aera that will be shown alot in the soap, like a Cafe, a pub, or a street with the name of the soap boldly displayed above or below the picture. This type of poster should be something that promotes and allows the soap to become well known and recognised by this simple image, for example, a picture of birds eye view of the River Thames is immidetly associated with Eastenders and I believe that this is the type of effect a poster advertising a soap needs to have.

To make my poster I am going to do a photoshoot of the characters in an setting that all the characters will be together in my soap to advertise it. The photoshoot will include pictures of the characters and the settings of the soap, for example, the pub, with and without the characters together sitting there. I can also have options of whch pictures best reflect the characters personaility and style and how I want the target audience to portray them as individuals.

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